A coaching, learning and consulting company.

Welcome to Empowerment Education!

Educators! ...enhance student self-worth, resilience and learning. Become a trauma-informed, Life and Learning Coach who specializes in social-emotional learning, high quality relationships & well-being.

No going back
to normal.

JOIN our professional learning and coaching community and begin using Empowerment Education concepts, strategies and skills immediately in your classrooms and schools to create an exciting NEW NORMAL.

What is
Empowerment Education?

For over 10 years, we have been applying the thriving & coaching research in education and the results are very promising.

Empowerment Education

Read about the new-paradigm education perspective from our Founder, Meg Hanshaw PhD.

Real Stories

Meet Corrie, a new-paradigm educator, whose journey brought her from trauma to triumph.
Preventable causes of death and suffering
Click to read The Fishbowl Story!


Young people make up less than 30% of our population, but are 100% of our future.



Suicides Each Year
600 ,000

Globally, suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death of all age groups and specifically for 15-24 year olds. For every suicide, there are many more who attempt it. Every year, more people die as a result of suicide than HIV, malaria or breast cancer, or war and homicide. One in every 100 deaths is a suicide which prompted WHO to produce new guidance to help countries improve suicide prevention and care. Globally, the suicide rate is decreasing (17%-47%), but in the America’s it is going up (17%). Many countries have placed suicide prevention high on their agendas and have developed national suicide prevention strategies, but too many countries still remain uncommitted. Two of the four main guidelines for implementing an effective suicide prevention program is to (1) foster socio-emotional life skills in adolescents and (2) the early identification, management and follow up of anyone affected by suicidal thoughts and behavior. Preventing suicide for young people (and beyond) is a top priority for us! The education environment is critical in shifting to end suicide and thoughts of suicide (lack of self-worth) so children and young people grow up mentally and physically healthy and have a full chance of reaching their potential. 1



Yearly Deaths from Violence
0 ,000

Globally, violence is among the leading causes of death for people aged 15–44 years worldwide, accounting for 14% of deaths among males and 7% of deaths among females.  For every person who dies as a result of violence, many more are injured and suffer from a range of physical, sexual, reproductive and mental health problems. Moreover, violence places a massive burden on national economies, costing countries billions of US dollars each year in health care, law enforcement and lost productivity. Violence includes the intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, that either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, maldevelopment or deprivation.  Violence must be addressed on multiple levels and in multiple sectors of society simultaneously.  About half of 13-15 year olds worldwide (150 million) have experienced violence such as physical fights or forms of bullying from their peers in and around school. 2 The education environment is critical in addressing individual risk factors and taking steps to encourage healthy attitudes and behavior in young people. By setting up new-paradigm healthy and empowering learning environments that emphasize their strengths, talents and purpose, young people who grow into adults will have no need to hurt others or themselves. 3 


Chronic Disease

Preventable Deaths Each Year
0 ,000,000

 Globally, 7 of the 10 leading causes of deaths are chronic diseases, -heart disease, cancer, stroke, COPD, Alzheimer’s/dementia, asthma, diabetes, and kidney disease. Together, they accounted for 74% of the 55,625,000 total global deaths in 2019. Of this number, 2.2 million deaths were young people ages 5-24 (38,000 North America; 40,000 Europe), 43% being adolescents. In 2015, the World Health Organization agreed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global call-to-action to guarantee that all people enjoy health, peace and prosperity.  Goal #4 is to by 2030, reduce by one third, premature mortality from noncommunicable diseases (chronic disease) through prevention and treatment and the promotion of mental health and well-being. As of 2021, the health goals are not proceeding in the positive direction they had hoped. Preventing chronic disease through the promotion of well-being is a top priority for us! The education environment is critical in shifting this epidemic to end preventable deaths so children and young people grow up mentally and physically healthy and have a full chance of reaching their potential. 4

the shift into W.E.L.l.

The Flourishing 4

Outcomes of Empowerment Education


Students and educators integrate meaningful healthy behaviors daily. Self-care, prevention, and well-being are a priority. Self-responsibility and love are fundamental to life and success. Negative and toxic stress are minimal and our chronic disease epidemic is eliminated.


Students do not strike out to hurt others or quit unnecessarily; they feel an inner confidence, peace and trust in life that gives them permission to confidently work through conflict, find solutions, and set personal goals toward their own definition of success.


Students have the confidence and skills to bring their true selves out and step-up to uniquely serve and contribute to their friends and community. Their desire to model positive ways of being and collaboration are natural and evident in school. 


Students learn and appreciate who they are at their core. They feel seen, heard and valued for their unique talents and skills. The are given the freedom to explore and play with their gifts to see how they fit into the world. They believe they are worthy of their existence.


The Art & Science of Thriving Students

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